The entire process will be open. Records are to be kept of any/all correspondence. The substance of any conversations or phone calls related to an application must be written and reported. The final report will be on the Associations website. Any/all documents, memos are available to the public upon request. All fees charged will be at the actual cost to the Association. The estimated cost amount will be paid in advance of the service. When the actual amount is paid the applicant will receive any balance left in their escrow account. Actual cost includes a four percent surcharge for such as training site visitors.
Step 1.
Applicant completes and submits the IAOMC database document along with the preliminary assessment escrow fee. Notice is posted on IAOMC website stating; “- [school name]- has made application for review and accreditation, any person or organization wishing to make comment is invited to do so.”
Step 2.
An evaluator is selected. Applicant is sent the curriculum vitae of proposed data base evaluator. If there is an objection to any evaluator applicant will provide a written objection within ten days. After consultation with the Board an evaluator is selected.
Step 3.
The Evaluator first reviews the database document for clarity and completeness. If found unclear or incomplete, processing is tabled. The applicant will be immediately provided with details. The process continues when the database is clear and complete.
Step 4.
Next, if computer based learning and or distance learning is a part of applicants educational program the Evaluator will refer that part to the expert section 1 subcommittee for their opinion and reviews the rest the Evaluator reviews for apparent compliance. If there is apparent non-compliance Evaluator will report to the applicant the reasons for his or her determination. Should applicant contest such finding it will prepare a document for submission to the Board. Both the Evaluator and the applicant will appear before the Board for its decision. If apparent noncompliance is found the application is tabled until the items of apparent noncompliance are fully resolved.
Step 5.
In the event Evaluator finds apparent compliance, the proposed site visitors are chosen. Their CV’s are sent to applicant. Applicant has ten days to file written objection to any proposed site visitor for Board determination. When the site visitors are finally selected the evaluator will forward site visitor’s proposed instructions to the applicant for review and comment. Any public comment will be considered. Little weight will be given to unsigned or unsubstantiated reports. The time for applicant to provide any comment or objection to the proposed instructions is one week after receipt of the site visitor instructions. Evaluator will consider any applicant comments or objections and send the instructions to site visitors team.
Step 6.
After inspection fee is paid scheduled dates for inspection and verification visit are agreed upon.
Step 7.
Site visitors arrive and complete their review within the three scheduled days. Each site visitor provides his or her report to the Chair of the site visiting team within a week of his or her return. The Team Chair prepares a summary report to the Evaluator within the following week and attaches the site visitor’s reports. The applicant receives a copy of this report and may also provide written comment to the Evaluator. The Evaluator reviews the summary report and provides any comments he or she may wish to offer and forwards the documents to the applicant and the Board. If applicant agrees with the report and any concerns it may contain applicant should submit a written plan addressing resolution of concerns and its proposed schedule for full compliance within ten days after receipt. If the applicant disagrees with the report or any concern written objection must be filed within ten days after receipt.
Step 8.
The Board meets in an announced, noticed public meeting, considers any document or comment offered from any source and reaches its decision. In the event the Board agrees with the concerns it will provide a schedule for applicant to document compliance. Should the Board find verification of compliance necessary, an unannounced supplementary special visit will be made. The supplementary review will be confined to verify compliance with the concern that is the subject of the visit.
Step 9.
An accredited applicant may chose to become a full member of the Association and share its rights, privileges and responsibilities.