Email Voting
First, only the President, Chief operating officer or voting members may simultaneously submit an e-mail proposal to all other voting members and their alternates that automatically requires them to vote within forty-eight hours of the time sent. The forty-eight hour period excludes weekends and holidays. Failure to timely respond results in a forfeiture of the right to vote on the immediate proposalSecond, voting members shall have a named alternate authorized to act when the voting member chooses to authorize them to cast their vote. The act of an alternate voting binds the voting member.
Third, Any proposal shall have preset options following it for voters to respond;
A. Approve
B. Disapprove
C. Approve with policy modification,
D. This issue requires a telephone conference.
E. Abstain.
A voter may add such comment as they may choose.
Fourth, It will be presumed that a proposal simultaneously sent to all members will have been received by each of them if it has not been returned to sender.
Fifth, it is the responsibility of each voting member and/or alternate to maintain and monitor a current operating e-mail address that has been provided to all those entitled to vote, including alternates.
Sixth, whenever replying to any email voting proposal it shall be by replying to all voters and their alternates simultaneously.
A. Approve
B. Disapprove
C. Approve with policy modification
D. This issue requires a telephone conference
E. Abstain