Members are vast distances apart. Meetings in person are time consuming and expensive. Yet this Association is committed to decisions being made by the majority. The Association adopted bylaws which govern a system of email voting that permits the majority to determine policy. See bylaws for details. The following issues have been presented to the members. Here is the outcome of their votes.
9/2/05 - Financial statements. Approved
9/27/05 -Attend AAMC as an exhibitor, recruit evaluators and site visitors. Approved
11/15/05 -Establish Accreditation Applications Standing
Committee. Approved -
Attend/participate at FSMB annual meeting. Approved
Attend-participate-exhibit at AMEE annual conference. Approved
Committee Chairs role is Executive. Schools absorb their Committee member’s expenses. Approved
11/18/05 - Approved site visitors may become non-voting members of Applicants committee. Approved
11/28/05 - Absorb cost of training site visitors. Approved
12/15/05 - Approve accreditation standards. Approved
12/16/05 - Obtain FAIMER data bank. Schools complete
questionnaire. Approved -
12/20/05 - Accept Credential committee’s recommended site visitors. Approved
12/21/05 - Employ Chief Operational Officer. Approved
2/14/06 - Deadline for financial commitment. Approved
2/17/06 - Dissolve Scheduling Committee. Approved
Maintain a data bank of accredited schools Tabled to 3/17/06
3/22/06 - Add Founding Member. Denied
3/26/06 Obtain data base document and evaluation report from NYS for schools that had applied for clinical training. Post the documents on IAOMC's website. Denied
June 2, 2006 Permit regulatory observers. Approved
June 2, 2006 Seek government recognition. Approved
June 2, 2006 Develop a Certification process. Approved
June 2, 2006 Develop recognition of Comparable Standards. Approved
June 2, 2006 Inquire of governments without a medical school. Approved
June 27, 2006, Avid Haramati, MD, approved as a site visitor.
July 19, 2006, Barry Diner, MD, DABEM, approved as a site visitor.
09/11/06, Site Visitors: Chinoy, Ingles and Wolfsdorf Approved
09/29/06, Site Visitors: Frank, Haddad and Marshall Approved
10/2/06, Site Visitors: Mets, Muhammad and Nelson Approved
10/05/06, Site Visitors: Schuster, Patil and Cato Approved
10/09/06, Site Visitors: Berkow, Scheidner and Trowers Approved
10/11/06, Site visitors: Adison, Colenda and Martin Approved
10/16/06, Accept applications from new schools 1/1/07 Denied
11/09/06, Site Visitors: Rawick and Kachur Approved
11/11/06, Dissolve Standing Committees Approved
11/14/06, Site visitors, Gumport and Hillard. Approved
11/17/06, Site visitors, Veech and Tekian. Approved
11/20/06, Site visitor/Evaluator Sullivan. Approved
12/1/06, Site Visitor Diane Elissa Heestand. Approved
12/5/06, Site Visitor Marek Drozdzik. Approved
1/5/07, Roberta Sonnino, Site Visitor. Approved
1/7/07, Trevor Beedham, Site Visitor. Approved
1/10/07, Advisory Council requested to recommend International Standards for. “New and Developing Medical Schools”. Approved
1/15/07, Sonia Crandall, site visitor, Approved
2/3/07, Join the Global Health Council Approved
3/7/07, Site visitor E, Haavi Morreim Denied
3/7/07, Site Visitor Lawrence Marshall Opas Approved
3/7/07, Site Visitor Elect Chair, Secretary establish criteria to chose site visitors and develop process for them to chose from among their group. Approved
3/9/07, Site Visitor Anna Kostrzewska Approved.
3/9/07, Site Visitor Mciej Jozwik Approved.
3/9/07, Government Observers elect Chair and Secretary, establish criteria to chose Government observers and develop process to chose Government Observers from among their group Approved
3/9/07, Site Visitor Maria Winnicka Approved
3/9/07, Site Visitor Irina Kowalska Returned for details
6/10/07 Establish a new site visitor panel, including the Chair to be a voting Trustee. Approved
6/10/07 Each Section Chair of the Advisory Council become voting Trustees. Approved
6/10/07 Site Visitor T.L. Chambers. Approved
6/10/07 Establish a search committee to report to the Board on their recommendations for a new Executive Director to begin on October 1, 2007. Approved
6/10/07 Officers Nancy Perri will serve as Secretary and Mahendra Patel as Treasurer. Approved
6/10/07 President and Vice President to be discussed at the first seating of the full Board. Approved
6/10/07 Place on IAOMC’s website approved countries/schools, except any former founding members who has requested their school’s reports not be made public. Approved
9/24/07 - Accept President’s Report. Approved
9/24/07 - Expand data base to all schools. Approved
9/24/07 - Adopt Ethics Committee recommendations. Approved
9/24/07 - Accept the Search Committee Report. Approved
9/24/07 - Divide 0ffice of President and Executive Director. Approved
9/24/07 - By laws be amended; annual meeting on or about 3/17 of each year at location Board determines. Approved
10-23-07 - Mala Chinoy to be Executive Director effective Nov. 1, 2007. Approved
12/12/07 – Elect Henry Haddad VP to 3/17/07. Approved
12/17/07 Recognize Comparable Standards Approved
12/17/07 Academic Review/Auxiliary Membership Approved
12/17/07 Ethics Committee Chair permanent voting Board member. Approved
12/26/07 James Appleyard was elected Secretary to March 2009 Approved
4/2/08 Academic Review Registered Membership. Approved
4/2/08 Annual Membership Dues structure. Approved
4/23/08 Amended By Laws. Approved
6/3/08 Advisory Council Report and Recommendations – Approved
7/3/08 Modify By Laws on annual meeting quorum. Denied
8/7/08 Mortada El-Shabrawi proposed to be added to the site visitor panel and become a member of our Advisory Council Section 1. Approved
9/30/08 LCME standards are comparable to IAOMC standards. Approved
10/25/08 Aamir Al Mosawi be accepted as a member of our site visitor panel and member of Advisory Council Section 1. Approved
1/9/09 Elizabeth Kachur was elected to become Chair of the Site Visitor panel and become a Trustee. Approved
2/11/09 Government Observer panel. Approved
3-9-09 Clinical teaching guidelines referred to the Advisory Council. Approved
6/15/09 Dhrubajyoti Borah to become Temporary Regulator/ administrator Panel Chair. Approved
9/15/09 Advisory Council Computer based learning amendments. Approved
I/19/10 Official Condolence Resolution to honor Professor Richard Gumport. Approved
1/29/10 Professor E. Haavi Morreim was elected to become Chair of Advisory Council Section1. Approved
5/14/10 Dr. Syed Ziaur Rahman was elected to become Chair of Advisory Council Section 3. Approved
9/27/12 Elect Dr. Syed Ziaur Rahman as Secretary. Approved
10/15/13 Participate with George Mason University SciCast project. Approved
3/30/15 Elect Linda Adkinson Evaluator. Approved