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UK medical schools -
Quality Assurance results

Below is a list of all of the medical schools in the UK that are recognised by the GMC.

The medical education delivered at these medical schools complies with the curriculum set by the GMC (and contained in Tomorrow's Doctors). Additionally the medical education undertaken at these medical schools is quality assured by the General Medical Council. We oversee the curriculum and set and monitor standards in basic medical education.

This covers both undergraduate education and the first year of foundation programme training. A medical degree from one of these medical schools, is recognised for the purposes of registration with the GMC.

Most recent report:
Aberdeen report 2004 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.abdn.ac.uk/medicine

Most recent report:
Belfast report 2005 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Belfast report 1998 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofMedicineandDentistry

Most recent report:
Birmingham report 2004 (PDF iconpdf):

Website: medweb.bham.ac.uk

Brighton Sussex Extra information about Brighton Sussex medical school, to open in a new window
Most recent report:
Brighton Sussex report 2008 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Brighton Sussex report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)
Brighton Sussex report 2005 (PDF iconpdf)
Brighton Sussex report 2004 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.bsms.ac.uk

Most recent report:
Bristol report 2009 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Bristol report 2000 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.medici.bris.ac.uk

Most recent report:
Cambridge report 2001 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:

Website: www.medschl.cam.ac.uk

Most recent report:
Cardiff report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Cardiff report 1999 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.cardiff.ac.uk/medicine

Most recent report:
Dundee report 2009 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Dundee report 1999 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.dundee.ac.uk/medicalschool

Durham Extra information about Durham medical school, to open in a new window
Most recent report:
Newcastle-upon-Tyne report 2005 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:

Website: www.dur.ac.uk/school.health/phase1.medicine/

East Anglia
Most recent report:
East Anglia report 2007 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
UAE report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)
UAE report 2005 (PDF iconpdf)
UAE report 2004 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www1.uea.ac.uk/cm/home/schools/foh/med

Most recent report:
Edinburgh report 2008 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Edinburgh report 2000 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.mvm.ed.ac.uk

Most recent report:
Glasgow_report 2007 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Glasgow report 1999 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.gla.ac.uk/faculties/medicine

Hull York Extra information about Hull York medical school, to open in a new window
Most recent report:
Hull York report 2008 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Hull York report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)
Hull York report 2005 (PDF iconpdf)
Hull York report 2004 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.hyms.ac.uk

Keele Extra information about Keele medical school, to open in a new window
Most recent report:
Manchester report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Manchester report 2000 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.keele.ac.uk/depts/ms/

Most recent report:
Leeds report 2005 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Leeds report 1998 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.leeds.ac.uk/medicine

Most recent report:
Leicester report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Leicester report 1999 (PDF iconpdf)

Website:  www.le.ac.uk/sm/le

Most recent report:
Liverpool report 2004 (PDF iconpdf):

Website:  www.liv.ac.uk/medicine

London: Barts & Royal London
Most recent report:
London; Barts report 2009 (PDF iconpdf):

Previous reports:
Barts & Royal London report 2000 (PDF iconpdf):

Website: www.smd.qmul.ac.uk

London: Guys, Kings & St Thomas
Most recent report:
Kings College report 2008 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Guys, Kings & St Thomas report 2000 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/education/gktmedicalschool.aspx

London: Imperial
Most recent report:
London; Imperial Report 2010 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Imperial report 2000 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www1.imperial.ac.uk/medicine

London: Royal Free & University College
Most recent report:
Royal Free & University College report 2005 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:

Royal Free & University College report 2001 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.ucl.ac.uk/medicalschool/index.shtml

London: St George's
Most recent report:
London; St_George's 2009 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
St George’s report 2000 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.sgul.ac.uk

Most recent report:
Manchester report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Manchester report 2000 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.medicine.manchester.ac.uk

Newcastle upon Tyne
Most recent report:
Newcastle Malaysia 2010 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Newcastle-upon-Tyne report 2005 (PDF iconpdf)
Newcastle-upon-Tyne report 1998 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: medical.faculty.ncl.ac.uk

Most recent report:
Nottingham 2009 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Nottingham report 2000 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.nottingham.ac.uk/mhs

Most recent report:
Oxford report 2009 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Oxford report 2001 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.medsci.ox.ac.uk

Most recent report:
Peninsula report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Peninsula report 2005 (PDF iconpdf)
Peninsula report 2004 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.pms.ac.uk/pms

Most recent report:
Sheffield report 2007 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Sheffield report 1998 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.shef.ac.uk/medicine

Most recent report:
Southampton report 2008 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Southampton report 1999 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.som.soton.ac.uk

St Andrews Extra information about St Andrews medical school, to open in a new window
Most recent report:
St_Andrews 2008 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Manchester report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)
Manchester report 2000 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: http://medicine.st-andrews.ac.uk/

Swansea Extra information about Swansea medical school, to open in a new window
Most recent report:
Swansea report 2011 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Cardiff report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www.gemedicine.swan.ac.uk/

Most recent report:
Warwick report 2007 (PDF iconpdf)

Previous reports:
Warwick report 2006 (PDF iconpdf)

Website: www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/med